Source code for password_validator.password_validator

import re

from . import lib
from .constants import error

[docs]class PasswordValidator: ''' Class to generate schema of password definitions Example: >>> schema = PasswordValidator() >>> schema.has().letters().has().digits().no().spaces() <src.password_validator.password_validator.PasswordValidator object at ...> >>> schema.validate('testPassword123') True Returns: PasswordValidator: Schema object ''' def __init__(self): = [] self.positive = True
[docs] def validate(self, pwd): ''' Validates `pwd` against the schema and returns the result Example: >>> PasswordValidator().letters().validate('123') False >>> PasswordValidator().letters().validate('abc') True Args: pwd (str): Password to validate against the schema Returns: boolean: Result of the validation ''' password = str(pwd) return all(self.__isPasswordValidFor(prop, password) for prop in
def __registerProperty(self, func, args=[]): # pylint: disable=dangerous-default-value{ 'method': func, 'positive': self.positive, 'arguments': args }) def __isPasswordValidFor(self, prop, password): return prop['method'](password, prop['positive'], *prop['arguments']) def __validateNum(self, num): assert (type(num) == 'int' or num > 0), error['length'] # pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck
[docs] def has(self, regexp=None): ''' Inverts the effect of :func:`~no` and applies a :mod:`regex <python:re>` if provided to the schema. Works with: :func:`~letters`, :func:`~digits`, :func:`~uppercase`, :func:`~lowercase`, :func:`~symbols` and :func:`~spaces`. Example: >>> PasswordValidator().no().letters().has().digits().validate('123') True >>> PasswordValidator().has(r'[a-z]+').validate('test') True Args: regexp (str, optional): The regular expression or string to mandate on the password Returns: PasswordValidator: Updated schema object ''' self.positive = True if regexp: self.__registerProperty(lib.applyRegexp, [re.compile(regexp)]) return self
[docs] def no(self, regexp=None): ''' Inverts the effect of all the next rules unless countered by a :func:`has` and applies a negative check of the regular expression provided. Works with: :func:`~letters`, :func:`~digits`, :func:`~uppercase`, :func:`~lowercase`, :func:`~symbols` and :func:`~spaces`. Example: >>> PasswordValidator().no().letters().digits().validate('123') False >>> PasswordValidator().no().letters().has().digits().validate('123') True >>> PasswordValidator().no(r'[a-z]+').validate('test') False Args: regexp (str, optional): The regex or str the password should not match to Returns: PasswordValidator: Updated schema object ''' self.positive = not self.positive if regexp: self.__registerProperty(lib.applyRegexp, [re.compile(regexp)]) return self
[docs] def uppercase(self): ''' Mandates the presence/absense of uppercase letters. Example: >>> PasswordValidator().uppercase().validate('Test') True >>> PasswordValidator().uppercase().validate('test') False Returns: PasswordValidator: Updated schema object ''' self.__registerProperty(lib.uppercase) return self
[docs] def lowercase(self): ''' Mandates the presence/absense of lowercase letters. Example: >>> PasswordValidator().lowercase().validate('Test') True >>> PasswordValidator().lowercase().validate('TEST') False Returns: PasswordValidator: Updated schema object ''' self.__registerProperty(lib.lowercase) return self
[docs] def letters(self): ''' Mandates the presence/absense of letters. Example: >>> PasswordValidator().letters().validate('test') True >>> PasswordValidator().no().letters().validate('test') False Returns: PasswordValidator: Updated schema object ''' self.__registerProperty(lib.letters) return self
[docs] def digits(self): ''' Mandates the presence/absense of digits. Example: >>> PasswordValidator().digits().validate('test') False >>> PasswordValidator().no().digits().validate('test123') False Returns: PasswordValidator: Updated schema object ''' self.__registerProperty(lib.digits) return self
[docs] def min(self, length): ''' Sets the minimum length allowed. Example: >>> PasswordValidator().min(8).validate('testPassword') True >>> PasswordValidator().min(8).validate('test') False Args: length (int): Minimum length allowed Returns: PasswordValidator: Updated schema object ''' self.__validateNum(length) self.__registerProperty(lib.minimum, [length]) return self
[docs] def max(self, length): ''' Sets the maximum length allowed. Example: >>> PasswordValidator().max(8).validate('testPassword') False >>> PasswordValidator().max(8).validate('test') True Args: length (int): Maximum length allowed Returns: PasswordValidator: Updated schema object ''' self.__validateNum(length) self.__registerProperty(lib.maximum, [length]) return self
[docs] def spaces(self): ''' Mandates the presence/absense of whitespace. Example: >>> PasswordValidator().spaces().validate('a bc') True >>> PasswordValidator().no().spaces().validate('a bc') False Returns: PasswordValidator: Updated schema object ''' self.__registerProperty(lib.spaces) return self
[docs] def symbols(self): ''' Mandates the presence/absense of special characters like `@`, `#`, `$`, etc. Example: >>> PasswordValidator().symbols().validate('@bc') True >>> PasswordValidator().no().symbols().validate('@bc') False Returns: PasswordValidator: Updated schema object ''' self.__registerProperty(lib.symbols) return self